
Salvatore Quasimodo
Selected poems by Salvatore Quasimodo.
Further poems by Salvatore Quasimodo.

Five 20th Century Italian Poets
Forty-nine poems from the early 20th Century by Umberto Saba, Dino Campana, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Salvatore Quasimodo, and Eugenio Montale.

André Breton
André Breton's First Surrealist Manifesto of 1924 in a new translation.

Paul Éluard
Twenty-four poems in translation.
Sixteen more poems in translation.

French Poetry of the 20th Century
Selected poems from the French early to mid-20th century including poems by Apollinaire, Supervielle, Breton, Tzara, Eluard, Artaud, Aragon, Desnos, Prévert, Ponge, Char, and others.



Jorge Luis Borges
Twenty-one poems of Jorge Luis Borges.
Further poems by Jorge Luis Borges.